Best AI Tools for Presenters and Teachers in 2023

As the world continues to embrace technology, AI tools are becoming increasingly popular in various industries, including education. AI tools have revolutionized the way teachers present information and interact with students. In this blog, we'll be looking at the best AI tools for presenters and teachers in 2023, with a focus on AI presentation makers and AI presentation tools.

What are AI Tools?

AI tools are software programs that use artificial intelligence (AI) to automate tasks or augment human decision-making. These tools are designed to learn from data and improve their performance over time. In education, AI tools can help teachers personalize learning, automate grading, and improve student engagement.

Why use AI-powered tools in education?

For educators, the advantages of utilizing AI-powered tools are numerous and noteworthy. These tools can automate tedious tasks, freeing up valuable time for teachers to focus on more meaningful educational activities.

Furthermore, AI can optimize educational operations, resulting in improved cost-effectiveness and efficacy. AI-powered educational tools, such as automated grading systems, can reduce teacher workload and provide more consistent and unbiased assessments.

Overall, the adoption of AI-powered tools in education can lead to increased productivity, cost savings, and better outcomes for both teachers and students.

AI Presentation Maker

An AI presentation maker is a tool that uses AI to create visually appealing and engaging presentations. These tools can help presenters save time by automating the process of creating a presentation. Here are some of the best AI presentation makers for both teachers and presenters: - generate interactive presentations in minutes!

If you're looking for an AI-powered tool to take your presentations to the next level, check out – the first AI-powered interactive presentation tool. With, you can engage your audience with interactive polls, quizzes, and other interactive question types, and get real-time feedback to improve your presentation. You don't have to worry about spending too much time on your presentation. Just provide your subject, language, audience, and preferred length, and will take care of the rest. Sendsteps AI-powered tool creates a stunning presentation with speaker notes and interactive elements, making your job easier and allowing you to focus on delivering a memorable presentation. presentation maker tool AI

To discover the vast benefits of an AI presentation tool in education, check out our blog about all the benefits of an AI presentation. This discusses in depth what an AI presentation maker can do for you. Don't overlook the exciting benefits could add to your presentations!

AI Tools for Education

In addition to AI presentation makers and AI presentation tools, there are several other AI tools that can benefit teachers and students. These tools can help automate tasks, personalize learning, and improve student engagement. Here are some of the best AI tools for education:

Gradescope - Streamline Your Grading with AI

Grading student work is a time-consuming task that can take up a lot of a teacher's time and energy. Fortunately, Gradescope's AI tool is here to help. Using a combination of machine learning and AI, Gradescope makes it easier to grade students work quickly and efficiently.

One of the key features of Gradescope is its AI-assisted grading system, which can be used to grade paper-based exams, online homework, and projects all in one place. Teachers can also benefit from the platform's AI-assisted and manual question grouping, as well as student-specific time extensions, ensuring fairness and accuracy in the grading process.

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Nuance’s Dragon Speech Recognition - AI-Driven Accessibility for Education

Nuance offers a powerful speech recognition software that can revolutionize the way students and teachers interact with their devices. The Dragon Speech Recognition product can transcribe up to 160 words per minute, helping students who find it difficult to write or type. It also supports verbal commands to navigate documents, which is essential for students with accessibility requirements.

Dragon goes beyond transcription and navigation, offering features like dictation of lesson plans, syllabi, worksheets, reading lists, and more at a pace three times faster than typing.

With Nuance's Dragon, students and educators can work together more effectively, empowering a more inclusive and equitable educational experience.

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Brainly - The Ultimate Collaborative Learning Community

Brainly is a collaborative online learning community where students and educators can come together to share knowledge and help each other learn. Brainly offers a platform where users can snap questions using the app, get help from the community, and find expert explanations for textbooks.

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Knowji - Learning Vocabulary Made Fun and Easy

Knowji offers a unique and innovative approach to vocabulary learning. Its vocabulary apps combine entertaining content with scientifically proven methodologies to create an engaging and effective learning platform. The app's built-in memory coach ensures that you retain the words you learn in your long-term memory. Knowji's goal is to help you learn quickly and remember everything, making it an ideal tool for students, professionals, and anyone looking to improve their vocabulary.


The Impressive Benefits of AI-Powered Tools in Education

In conclusion, AI-powered tools have become increasingly popular in recent years, including in the education sector. These tools offer many benefits for teachers and students alike. From automating repetitive tasks and providing data-driven insights to optimizing educational processes and improving learning experiences, the applications of AI in education are versatile and impressive. Whether you are teaching in elementary, secondary, or higher education, AI presentation makers such as, can help you stay ahead and achieve your professional goals. Try today and experience the power of AI in education!

Anouk Baltus

Anouk’s passion for presenting started when she was very young: from voluntarily giving presentations in primary school to winning a speaking award with a self-written and presented speech. This adoration comes to life while working for Sendsteps. A passion for giving and writing speeches turned into writing blogposts about these subjects to help others find their passion in presenting.