Class Dismissed: How to Get Real-Time Feedback from a Live Survey for Apprentices
Are you an instructor looking for ways to get real-time feedback from your class? Live surveys are a great way to do just that! With the help of a live survey, you can quickly and easily gauge your apprentices' understanding of the material without disrupting their learning experience. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to create a live survey for your class and the benefits of getting real-time feedback from your apprentices.
Give your apprentices a voice
By using a live survey, you can give your apprentices the opportunity to be heard and provide valuable input on their learning experience. Live surveys are easy to implement and provide immediate results that can help you improve your course or program. With a live survey, you can empower your apprentices and make sure they’re getting the best out of their training.
Encourage participation
Getting real-time feedback from a live survey for apprentices can be a great way to ensure that everyone in your class is participating and engaged in the learning process. To ensure a high level of participation, it is important to make the survey easy to take, provide incentives for completion, and create an atmosphere of trust and safety.

The process
First, set up a live survey with questions that will be easy for your apprentices to understand. Use simple language and keep the questions short and to the point. Ask them to rate their understanding of topics or materials, or if they have any questions or feedback. Provide multiple-choice or yes/no options, rather than open-ended responses, to help make it easier for apprentices to answer quickly.
Next, offer incentives to your apprentices for taking the survey. Offer something small but meaningful such as extra credit or a snack after class. By creating incentives, you are more likely to get more honest and accurate responses.
Finally, create an atmosphere of trust and safety for your apprentices. Let them know that their responses will be anonymous and will not impact their grades or evaluations. This can help alleviate any worries or hesitations they might have about giving honest feedback.
This feedback can help you to adjust your teaching style and curriculum in order to better meet their needs.
What can we offer you?
We offer multiple interactive features like word clouds, open-ended questions, multiple choice, and quiz questions. Instead of asking your apprentices to switch off their phones, encourage them to use the devices in class. With Sendsteps apprentices can participate actively during class which will help to pay more attention. The students can easily respond through any mobile device: cell phone, tablet or laptop. These benefits make this approach well worth trying – so let’s get started!
Roksanna van Dam
Roksanna works as an intern and mainly focuses on making content and the company's socials. Roksanna loves to teach herself and her audience new discoveries and has a creative mindset, which she combines with her work to create unique, fun, relevant blogs and templates.