6 Teamwork Skills That Make You 80% More Employable
If you’re looking to land your dream job, focus on developing the right teamwork skills to give yourself a major advantage over the competition. Many people might think that working as a team can slow down progress and ultimately be detrimental to achieving your company’s goals, but that simply isn’t true if you do it correctly. To learn more about how teamwork can help you get ahead in your career, check out this article on 6 teamwork skills that make you 80% more employable.

1) Ask Questions
Ask your co-workers some questions in order to understand each other better. Effective teams have a clear understanding of each other and their respective strengths and abilities. It's easier to achieve your goals when you know what to expect from those around you.
Don't forget that communication is a two-way street: When you are working with your team, make sure they understand your needs as well. Being part of a competent team means being willing to have open minds and talk effectively with one another about every person's perspective. There should be no feeling that one person carries more weight than the other. To be sure everyone participates actively you could use Sendsteps Q&A questions types or open-ended questions
2) Say Thank You
In our busy world, we often find ourselves feeling more stressed than grateful. The next time you have an opportunity to be thankful for something—anything at all—take it! Remember that the best way to encourage people in the workplace is to tell them what they're doing right rather than what they're doing wrong.
A simple way to think about this is this: Think about how good you feel when someone thanks you for your help. Now imagine feeling that same gratitude when helping others. It doesn't take much time or effort. Yet, as little as a thank you email might be all that is needed to inspire someone in your office who needs encouragement. So please take the time today and just say thank you!

3) Collaborate
Collaboration skills give people the ability to work well with others and make them an effective team. Effective teams are composed of people who can work together, communicate effectively and offer constructive feedback. These traits can be learned through workshops or courses that help employees learn how to better interact with their co-workers.
A positive collaborative environment starts from leadership but also requires active participation from team members as they share their perspective and work toward a goal.
4) Be Patient
A lot of people think that being patient is something that you can just do or not do. But patience is really a skill, and it's one that all good teammates have. It's about knowing when to push back and when to let go and how to get your team there with you. One of the most important skills for a leader is patience because, without it, the team will never be able to come up with new ideas or be open-minded about the process. That's why it's essential for leaders to nurture their team by being patient.
It takes time and dedication, but if you are willing to put in the work, you can improve your patience skills and they'll help your business thrive! With Sendsteps you could also ask your co-workers for their opinions about a particular topic, through our Q&A question types. Again, it is important to take your time and give everyone the opportunity to answer and explain their answer.
5) Be compassionate
The best thing about working in a team is getting to know new people and understanding their perspectives. It doesn’t matter if you work with them every day or just have brief encounters at meetings, it makes the world feel smaller when you know there are other humans out there who think just like you.
The benefits of teamwork skills don’t end with making more friends though. They’re also incredibly beneficial for your career because they make you 80% more employable.
6) Own Mistakes
Lastly, it is crucial to own your mistakes. Mistakes happen, and you should not be afraid to admit them or learn from them. Sometimes, people will be less likely to trust you if you make a mistake, but others will respect you for owning up to it, which will make you a better employee.
With these tips you could help to get your meetings off on the right foot. Moreover, an interactive session can provide new perspectives on customer needs and help foster empathy between you and your customers. These benefits make this approach well worth trying – so let’s get started!
Roksanna van Dam
Roksanna works as an intern and mainly focuses on making content and the company's socials. Roksanna loves to teach herself and her audience new discoveries and has a creative mindset, which she combines with her work to create unique, fun, relevant blogs and templates.