Make Your Course More Interactive: Live Surveys for Apprentices

Courses for apprentices should be engaging and interactive to help keep learners motivated. Adding interactivity to a course helps create an environment where students can actively participate in the learning process. One way to make your course more interactive is by using live surveys. Live surveys give apprentices a chance to provide feedback during the course and measure their understanding of the material. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using live surveys in courses for apprentices and how to effectively incorporate them into your course.

Woman receiving feedback during her course

Why use surveys?

Surveys are an effective way to quickly gauge the knowledge and opinions of a large group of people. Live surveys, in particular, are an excellent tool for teaching apprentices or any other type of learner in a more interactive way. By using a live survey, you can instantly assess how your audience is understanding the material presented and make adjustments on the fly if needed. This helps to ensure that everyone is learning the information efficiently and effectively. Additionally, surveys can help to break up the monotony of a lecture-based course and add some fun and engagement for the participants. With a live survey, learners can interact with the material more easily and provide valuable feedback on how the course is going.

How to use surveys

Live surveys can be an effective way to engage apprentices in your course. Surveys give apprentices an opportunity to provide feedback on the material and offer insights into their learning process. This feedback can be invaluable for making changes to your course and ensuring that apprentices are getting the most out of it. Using a live survey during your course is simple:

  1. First, decide which type of questions you’d like to ask your apprentices. You may want to include questions about their level of understanding, what topics they found most challenging, or their opinion on the course content.

  2. Once you’ve decided on your questions, create a survey and share it with your apprentices. You can use Sendsteps to create a questionnaire.

  3. Once the survey is completed, you can review the responses and use the feedback to make changes to your course. Make sure to thank your apprentices for taking the time to fill out the survey and use their feedback to improve their learning experience.

What types of questions to ask?

When creating a live survey for an apprenticeship course, the types of questions you ask will depend on the goal of the survey. When creating your survey, consider the following:

  • What are the key topics you want to explore?

  • What types of questions can help you understand the apprentices’ understanding of the material?

  • How can you use the live survey to ensure that the apprentices are engaged?

When crafting your questions, think of ways to make them open-ended and engaging. Ask questions that allow apprentices to explain their understanding of the material and how they would apply it. If you are looking to get feedback on a particular topic, you can use questions that ask apprentices to explain how they feel about the topic and provide suggestions for improvement. You can also create multiple-choice questions that provide more specific feedback. To make sure your live survey is interactive, you can include an opportunity for apprentices to engage in discussion after answering the questions. Encourage apprentices to provide additional thoughts and feedback on the topic.

Overall, when creating your live survey, be sure to include questions that address the goals of the course and will help you gain a better understanding of how apprentices are learning the material. With careful consideration and thought put into each question, your live survey will help you create as much interactivity as you want.

Asking questions during a course

How to analyze the results

Analyzing the results of your live survey is essential for making sure your course for apprentices is as interactive and engaging as possible. After collecting the data from your survey, you’ll need to analyze it in order to get the most out of your live survey. First, make sure you’ve asked the right questions. The most important part of analyzing the results of a live survey is determining what you’re looking for and how it ties into the overall objectives of your course. That will help you to identify the key questions that need to be answered and which data should be interpreted first.

Once you’ve identified the data points you want to focus on, you can start analyzing the results. If you’re dealing with numerical data, use basic descriptive statistics, such as averages and standard deviations, to gain an understanding of the distribution of answers. You can also create graphs or tables to visualize the data more clearly. If you’re dealing with non-numerical data, like open-ended responses, you may need to use more advanced techniques, such as content analysis.

Finally, don’t forget to reflect on your own role in the live survey process. Ask yourself: was there anything that I could have done differently? What feedback did I receive from participants? How can I use this information to make my course even better? By taking the time to reflect on the results of your live survey, you’ll be able to get the most out of it and make sure your course for apprentices is as interactive and engaging as possible.

What do we offer?

Sendsteps offers multiple interactive features like word clouds, open-ended questions, multiple choice, and quiz questions. Instead of asking your apprentices to switch off their phones, encourage them to use the devices during the course. With Sendsteps apprentices can participate actively during your course which will help to receive real-time feedback. The apprentices can easily respond through any mobile device: cell phone, tablet or laptop. These benefits make this approach well worth trying – so let’s get started!

Roksanna van Dam

Roksanna works as an intern and mainly focuses on making content and the company's socials. Roksanna loves to teach herself and her audience new discoveries and has a creative mindset, which she combines with her work to create unique, fun, relevant blogs and templates.